MajoolJS Build Status

What is it?

MajoolJS is a simple way to separate your code in modules without any configuration. The syntax of Majool is inspired in modularization of ES2015.

What is not it?

MajoolJS is not a file/module loader like RequireJS or SystemJS and Majool does not works with Lazy Loading, because the others modules loaders know do very well this job.

Download / Clone


bower install majooljs

Alternatively you can download this repository.

Or you can clone the repo using Git:

git clone

Basic Use

<script src="bower_components/majooljs/dist/majool.js"></script>
<script src="my-first-module.js"></script>
<script src="main.js"></script>

Where my-first-module.js is:

  // create a new module

  // Exporting MyComponent into myModule
  mjs.export(function MyComponent() {
    this.firstName = 'Ford';
    this.lastName = 'Prefect';

and main.jsis:

  // Importing the MyComponent from module created.
  var myModule = mjs.import(['MyComponent']).from('myModule');

  // Simple Javascript =)
  var MyComponent = myModule.MyComponent;

  var fordPrefect = new MyComponent();

API Reference


Create a module and define the current module.

export([name|classComponent|object], [component]):

Append the new component in the current module. Where the first parameter can be:

The component parameter is used when the first parameter is a string.

exportDefault([name|classComponent|object], [component]):

Append the new component and set that as default in the current module. Where the first parameter can be:

The component parameter is used when the first parameter is a string.


Prepares the keys to be imported from module. If an array is passed, it returns an object with all properties requested from the module name. If a string is passed, it returns a default component from module name.